These are my own thoughts:
Intuition: primarily concerned with the inner or immaterial world of thoughts and emotion. Their action is mental/spiritual action. Their tools logic and emotions.
Thus it follows Intuition is more related to Thinking and Feeling which are inner methods of dealing with the world.
Sensing: primarily concerned with the outer world of physical sensations. Their primary action is in the world of the body, not the mind. Their body is their tool to observe and act upon the world around them.
Thus it follows that Sensing is more related to Judging and Percieving which are also concerned with how you act in the world.
If a person is more focused on the immaterial world, he will be constantly interacting with thoughts and feelings, and thus these traits will augment eachother. I would guess that an Intuitive's preference for thinking or feeling would appear more dominant to people than their judging or percieving trait. I would also guess that an Intuitive would be more likely to develope the less perfered half of the Thinking/Feeling pair than he would be to develope the less perfered half of the Judging/Perceiving pair.
If a person is more focused on the material world and acting in it, he will be constantly using his faculties of observation and organization to interact with that world. Thus I would guess that a Senser's preference for Perceiving or Judging would appear more dominant than his preference for Thinking or Feeling. He would be more likely to develope the less perfered half of the Judging/Perceiving pair, than he would the less prefered of the Thinking/Feeling pair.
While Extraversion and Introversion deal primarily with one's social style and energy source, some correlation can be made between Extraversion which demands attention to the outer world, because that is where people are, and Sensing. And some correlation can be made between Introversion, which directs attention inward, and Intuition which focuses on inner knowledge and experience.
While these things are not the same, it would seem likely that a Senseing Extraverted person might be slightly better at connecting with people becuase they will be more aware of their surroundings and thus opportunities to talk with other people. The more a person is engaged in action out in the world, the more likely he will be to cross paths with other people. And an Intuitive Extravert will be more likely to find himself either absorbed in thought, or 'doing' things inside, in a more fixed place and thus less likely to notice or cross paths with other people. Likewise, the Sensing Introvert will be more likely to make observations of people and at least be aware of them as he is focused on the outer world, even if he is not generally driven to talk with the people he sees. On the other hand the Intuitive Introvert is most likely to be totally unaware of other people, not only because he is not seeking interaction, but because his mind is perpetually turning inwards to the realm of ideas and thus not taking in his surroundings.
Now The Feeling trait disposes people to be more 'friendly' in that they feel natural empathy for people, wether or not they like to spend a lot of time with them. Thus the Feeling trait may lessen the Introverted trait, or may augment the Extraversion trait. Likewise the Thinking trait may augment the Introverted trait because it lends to viewing people objectively, more as separat entities, not emotionally entangled with oneself. The impact of relationships on a Thinking person may be slightly less strong because he does not get emotionally involved, and will be less likely to be moved by the appeals of others for attention.
So my idea is basically that traits will augment or weaken other traits, making certain traits much stronger in some people than in others. It also may happen that certain trait combinations will make for overall stronger identification with their type, vs having a more Middle of the Road personality. Additionally one Type may greatly favor one trait, while another Type only mildly favors one trait over the others.
Allong with my thoughts on how traits interact, there is also the 'official' correlation of Judging(organizing) augmenting Thinking and Feeling because these two are used in making decisions. And Perceiving(observing) augmenting Sensing and Intuition because these two are used in making observations. The 'official' dominance theory also includes the E/I bearing on what the dominant trait is, making the Introvert's dominant trait opposite of it's J/P preference.
Following I have spelled out the 16 types granting each a value of 1 to begin with, and then adding + or - 1 for each trait's augmenting or diminishing influence on the others. Some of the traits influence two ways, and some only influence one direction I think. When I mention (ballance) in parentheses I'm refering to the difference between the lowest number and highest number on the different traits and whether or not preference seems to be weighted in one trait, or more evenly distributed between all four. Traits that come up with a 0 ot -1 value do not indicate actually being the opposite trait, the preference for them is simply much weaker, and may allow for the opposite trait to be more easily developed.
so the example goes
Extraversion +1 from Sensing. +1 from Feeling.
Sensing +1 from Extraversion.
Feeling +1 from Extraversion.
Judging +1 from Sensing.
E+1+1 S+1 F+1 J+1 : E=3 S=2 F=2 J=2 :9 ESFJ Dominant E (even ballance)
E+1+1 S+1+1 F P+1 : E=3 S=3 F=1 P=2 :9 ESFP Dominant E & S (medium ballance)
I+1+1 N+1+1 T+1 J : I=3 N=3 T=2 J=1 :9 INTJ Dominant I & N (medium ballance)
I+1+1 N+1 T+1+1 P : I=3 N=2 T=3 P=1 :9 INTP Dominant I &T (medium ballance)
E-1+1 S+1 T+1 J+1 : E=1 S=2 T=2 J=2 :7 ESTJ Prominant S T J (even ballance)
E-1+1 S+1+1 T P+1 : E=1 S=3 T=1 P=2 :7 ESTP Dominant S (medium ballance)
I+1-1 N+1+1 F+1 J : I=1 N=3 F=2 J=1 :7 INFJ Dominant N Prominant F (medium ballance)
I+1-1 N+1 F+1+1 P : I=1 N=2 F=3 P=1 :7 INFP Dominant F Prominent N (medium ballance)
E-1+1 N+1 F+1 P : E=1 N=2 F=2 P=1 :6 ENFP Prominant N & F (even ballance)
E-1+1 N F+1+1 J : E=1 N=1 F=3 J=1 :6 ENFJ Dominant F (medium)
I-1+1 S-1+1 T J+1 : I=1 S=1 T=1 J=2 :5 ISTJ Prominant J (even ballance)
I-1+1 S-1 T+1 P+1 : I=1 S=0 T=2 P=2 :5 ISTP Prominant T & P (medium ballance)
E-1-1 N-1 T+1+1 J : E=-1 N=0 T=3 J=1 :3 ENTJ Dominant T (most unballance)
E-1-1 N-1+1 T+1 P : E=-1 N=1 T=2 P=1 : 3 ENTP Prominant T (medium ballance)
I-1-1 S-1+1 F J+1 : I=-1 S=1 F=1 J=2 :3 ISFJ Prominant J (medium ballance)
I-1-1 S-1 F+1 P+1 : I=-1 S=0 F=2 P=2 :3 ISFP Prominant F & P (medium ballance)
The proposition, which I have no evidence at this point to confirm or deny, is that because of the augmenting or ballanceing interaction of the various traits, some Personality Types are more likely to identify strongly with their type's profile, while others are more likely to feel 'in between' types, agreeing only to a certain extent with the description of their type. Or perhaps this relates more to other people's perceptions of someone, than their own identification with their type.
This may be a totally bogus idea, and people from all types may equally feel strongly associated with their type or only midly so. I do believe that whatever the case, it will be further affected by the strength of one's preference for each of the traits. Here I am assuming that the person answered 100% for each of the letters in his type (which rarely happens in real life), so we may say that this is comparing strong ISFPs with stong ESFJs (for example) and saying that a strong ESFJ will still Identify more with his profile than a strong ISFP will identify with his. Or it may indicate, rather, that it may be easier to pinpoint an ESFJ than it is to determine if someone is an ISFP.
Here are the 'official' Dominant Traits compared with this evaluation of them. My conclusions are in parentheses when different from the official answer. (&_) represents that these traits tied in my evaluation system and (+_) indicates that my system rated these seecond in the hierarchy but close in strength to the dominant.
ESFJ = F --- (E) related to F
ESFP = S (&E)
INTJ = N (&I)
INTP = T (&I)
ESTJ = T (&SJ)
INFJ = N (+F)
INFP = F (+N)
ENFP = N (&F)
ISTJ = S ---- (J +IST) so, somewhat related
ISTP = T (&P)
ENTP = N ----- (T) related
ISFJ = S ---- (J +SF) so, somewhat related
ISFP = F (&P)
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